Chicago Style Hot Dogs Recipe

Welcome to my recipe for Chicago Style Hot Dogs! I'm a professional chef, and this is one of my favorite recipes to make. Whether you're visiting the Windy City or just looking to spice up your dinner menu, this savory dish is sure to please. Follow the instructions below closely and you'll be rewarded with a delicious meal. ##Ingredients - 2 all-beef hot dogs - 2 poppy seed buns - 2 tablespoons yellow mustard - 2 tablespoons sweet relish - 2 tablespoons chopped onions - 2 tablespoons sport peppers - Dash of celery salt ##Instructions **H2** Preheat a skillet over medium heat. **H3** Place the hot dogs into the preheated skillet and cook until they are lightly browned, about 5 minutes. **H3** Meanwhile, lightly toast the buns in a toaster or in the oven. **H3** Arrange the buns on a plate. **H3** Place the cooked hot dogs onto the buns. **H3** Top with mustard, relish, onions, sport peppers, and celery salt. **H2** Serve and enjoy!

Chicago Style Hot Dogs Recipe